Thursday, December 9, 2010

Accident at Work compensation|Claim compensation advice

If you are a worker, and some accident happened with you at works you have a right to claim a compensation to your company. It's been their obligation to give you a compensation. Sometimes it's difficult to claim it due some company has very strict policy when it came to work related accident claim. but pay attention, you have the right. If you don't use it, then it will be your loss.

How you make your compensation claiming process easier?? Pay attention!

You should get medical attention and advice from doctor.
This is a must. Make this as your highest priority. When you  injured at work, no matter how little injury you had, go to he doctor. some little injury cause big impact in the future especialywhen it hit your vital organ. small injury like a back injury, could be fatal in long term, but can also give you a compensation.

Report your accident to your employer and record it in the employer's accident book
 you have to report your work accident injury as soon as possible after the accident even if your injury is minor. If you neglect to make the report you will  lose workers compensation benefits. When you report it to your employer, make sure you include a medical report that includes a statement that the injury was sustained in work accident

Collect all evidences and detail of witness
 Ask some of your co-workers who watch the accident to verify your report. an in the worst scenario to testify for you. if you have to sue your company.

Look for a help and legal advices from work injury lawyer
 Make sure this is the last effort you do if your company seems doesn't approve your claim. since some company have their own consideration. when you go to work injury lawyer, ask his help or his advice, and hire him. when you hire him, and continue your claiming process, and in the worst scenario you have to sue your company, note this, maybe you worry there will be a possibility that you'll lost your job or your career won't go anywhere. But dont be afraid, In the case of a workplace injury there are laws that will protect you against any discrimination from your employer and any other unfair treatment as a result of making a claim. in fact some employers will ask for it to help improve their workplace policies. Since there is a risk that you will fail your compensation claim, make sure you hire a no win no fee lawyers. 
 You should hire an experienced work injury lawyer to get the best  suitable amount of compensation. By making the claim under no win no fee agreement for claiming compensation you will be benefited because  you need not pay to the lawyer if your case is lost. 

Making a compensation claim is not about take a personal revenge since you got injured but rather it is make sure that you don't need to bear the cost of any recovery or other injury as a result of you company's negligence or failure to accommodate you with a safe and secure environment to do your job.


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